Hillary Clinton talks voting rights (Aug 13, 2013)![]() Posted by American News Online Reported by The Hill By: Alexandra Jaffe - 08/12/13
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laid out a series of proposals to protect voting rights on Monday, her first clear foray into political issues in advance of what many expect to be a 2016 presidential run. Speaking to the American Bar Association's annual meeting in San Francisco, Clinton slammed a "sweeping effort to construct new obstacles to voting, often under cover of addressing a phantom epidemic of 'election fraud.'" She also criticized the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the Voting Rights Act (VRA), which overturned a plank requiring jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to preclear any changes to their voting laws with the federal government. It was one of Clinton’s most overtly political speeches since her re-emergence into the public eye after stepping down as secretary of State. Clinton has given numerous paid speeches to various trade and industry groups, often speaking on her personal experiences or issues affecting the industry in question. “Next month, at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, I will talk about the balance and transparency necessary in our national security policies as we move beyond a decade of wars to face new threats and later in the fall, I’ll address the implications of these issues for America's global leadership and our moral standing around the world,” she said of the future speeches. She remains the Democratic front-runner in every poll of potential 2016 contenders and is expected to largely clear the field if she decides to run, though she hasn’t yet made her plans public.